Nexus Six



Utube Teaser on Youtube (Short version here)


Sometimes people randomly meet in time and space and small miracles occur:

 Nexus Six Live jam session is a good example!

Nothing was arranged in advance; The music arose in the moment it was played!


  All mp3 zip     All flac (stereo)     All flac 5.1 surroundsound

Jamsession prelude ( mp3 or flac or 5.1 surround mix)

JamsessionNo1  (mp3 or flac or 5.1 surround mix)

JamsessionNo2  (mp3 or flac or 5.1 surround mix)

JamsessionNo3  (mp3 or flac or 5.1) with F. Kjær on iPad & T. Anker on iPhone

JamsessionNo4  (mp3 or flac or 5.1) with T. Anker on iPhone

JamsessionNo5  (mp3 or flac or 5.1) with T. Anker on iPhone


Can be used on videoproductions free  (eg. youtube)

as long as you add our name: Nexus Six & the link:


Played on Arduino, MacBook, iPod & iPad (Samsung smartphone on No3).

mp3: 196 kbs, flac:  24 bit & 5.1 surround mix: zip as 24 bit flac + compressed Dolby Digital (ac3)